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WHY does my life have to revolve around DOGS? Why is it so absurd that I dont consider the DOGS before I arange things with my friends during the summer holidays.


I Just Want To Have A Good Time.

A good time does not involve sitting BABYSITTING dogs. Ahw4tosfjsg. B)

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Haha, if only it was that simple.

Mymum and dad work from about 7am-7pm so its all so complicated.

My brother says to take shots but I cant change the day my friends are going to the theme-park so its basically tomorrow for me or never and everyonesdhbdahyfpsou;lnvz

Im not trying to be selfish..

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You're not being selfish, people need to think of themselves sometimes. You could sort something out, like make a deal or something. Tell your brother that you really want to have a good time with your friends before the summer ends and that you will lose out on a great experience. Say "Only this once" do a sad face blah blah blah.

And do anything you can to be persuasive. B)

Edited by Eloise
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WHY does my life have to revolve around DOGS? Why is it so absurd that I dont consider the DOGS before I arange things with my friends during the summer holidays.


I Just Want To Have A Good Time.

A good time does not involve sitting BABYSITTING dogs. Ahw4tosfjsg. B)

Is it your dog? B)

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this is why cats are better. they generally amuse themselves and only come to you when they really want attention or they know you're upset. they are litter trained, so you don't have to let them out of the damned house every time they have to piss. they don't slobber all over you, and they generally don't smell too terrible, unless they're old and unkempt, in which case they're probably going to die soon anyway, so you can just put up with it.
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