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*Censored* Ignorant Drivers

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I can't stand when people don't AT LEAST do the bleeping speed limit (they go like 30 in a 45 - clear conditions, no sharp turns, etc.). Like 'ooo, I'm driving a Lexus (or a BMW), isn't it the hottest car you've ever seen? I'm sooo much more important than you in your Pontiac, so I'm going to go as slow as I damn well please...'


Well, who the heck knows what they're really thinking. All I know is that I'm not impressed - just DRIVE for the love of Christmas! The gas pedal is to your

R I G H T...found it? Good, now accelerate and stop hitting the brake every five seconds for no cotton picking reason!


But, if that's not irksome enough, how about the genius behind you that is right on your bumper - as if that's going to make you move faster. B)


I hate being sandwiched between two idiots.


Hello, McFly?!? You don't see the snail in front of me? Here, lemme hit this trusty button on my dashboard that will make me fly over them - oh yeah, the perk for you is that you'll end up in front of me so you can go as fast as you like. Oh wait, that extra feature broke - haha, oh well. At least I still have Turbo Boost.




Yeah, right. Don't I wish. B)


Something like this happened the other day when I was taking my son to school. I ended up pulling over to let the moron pass me so he could be stuck behind the idiot in front of me. If my kid wasn't in the car, I might have slammed on my brakes. Then again, maybe not, because I happen to like my car intact. :(

Edited by Lady Night Owl
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I slow down for tailgaters until they either get the hint and back off, or think that they came up with a brilliant idea of changing lanes to pass me.


Happened yesterday in fact. Driving somewhere, this hotshot lane changing idiot ended up behind me. Got right up on me so I slowed down. Eventually, he merged to the left lane, then as the rest of the traffic passed, he passed me. Then a few cars up he merged back to the middle lane and then quickly into the right lane so that he could get onto the exit ramp. All this in the span of approximately 1 mile. Oh and distance behind him (while he was getting onto the off ramp) was nothing. In fact, I was matching his location as he was slowing down. All that to end up in the same spot he would have if he had slowed down some.



Now for the punchline... He had a girl, about 7 or 8 and that I presumed to be his daughter (I hope not), in the backseat. I don't know if she was even properly secured in because she looked to be between the right and center seats. So unless that's where the right seat would be, she was just sitting freely, which is pure stupidity.

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Now for the punchline... He had a girl, about 7 or 8 and that I presumed to be his daughter (I hope not), in the backseat. I don't know if she was even properly secured in because she looked to be between the right and center seats. So unless that's where the right seat would be, she was just sitting freely, which is pure stupidity.


Oh hope it WAS his daughter. I mean, shame on him, yes, but would you rather he be allowing someone ELSE'S child to ride like that!? And the way he was driving, get him off the road!


That is pure stupidity, ESPECIALLY when you consider that carseat laws changed July 1. In VA ANYONE under 8 years old MUST be properly secured in a child safety seat OR a booster seat. That one was a long time coming. I also wonder why they don't raise the minimum weight/age for turning a child around to face forward. It's pretty evident that even at 1 year a child's neck muscles are NOT developed enough to withstand a collision while facing foward; backward however, the head is cradled in the infant seat. They also need to raise age/weight minimum for moving out of a 5 point harness. Children over 40 lbs have been killed in collisions while riding in booster seats.


Why you should use a 5 point harness


Sure, a carseat w/ internal harness for up to 65lbs or 80lbs (yes they make them) is expensive ($250 - $300), but you can't put a price on a child's safety.

Edited by fluffyrat
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Now for the punchline... He had a girl, about 7 or 8 and that I presumed to be his daughter (I hope not), in the backseat. I don't know if she was even properly secured in because she looked to be between the right and center seats. So unless that's where the right seat would be, she was just sitting freely, which is pure stupidity.

Oh hope it WAS his daughter. I mean, shame on him, yes, but would you rather he be allowing someone ELSE'S child to ride like that!? And the way he was driving, get him off the road!


No, I hope it was NOT his daughter. Because then at least there'd be a hope that she'll never have to ride with that moron again, thus reducing the risk to her life.

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The idiot is pulling a Britney Spears really some parents should be shot.


Ah the drivers here all suck either they are so old they drive at like 5mph or young men who can't drive 55 yikes man. I hate when someone drives so close to my rear that at any moment he will be in my trunk. B)

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The idiot is pulling a Britney Spears really some parents should be shot.
No. At least she was doing what she thought was safe. This guy seemed to have no concept of safety.



Ah the drivers here all suck either they are so old they drive at like 5mph or young men who can't drive 55 yikes man. I hate when someone drives so close to my rear that at any moment he will be in my trunk. B)
Could be worse. The young guys who can't slow down to 75mph...


I thought you liked guys getting into your 'trunk'... B)

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I can't stand when people don't AT LEAST do the bleeping speed limit (they go like 30 in a 45 - clear conditions, no sharp turns, etc.). Like 'ooo, I'm driving a Lexus (or a BMW), isn't it the hottest car you've ever seen? I'm sooo much more important than you in your Pontiac, so I'm going to go as slow as I damn well please...'


Well, who the heck knows what they're really thinking. All I know is that I'm not impressed - just DRIVE for the love of Christmas! The gas pedal is to your

R I G H T...found it? Good, now accelerate and stop hitting the brake every five seconds for no cotton picking reason!

Sounds like my grandfather.(Only he doesn't have a fancy car, his is like a 300 year old Cadilac.) He got a ticket a few years back for driving too slow on the highway. Hahaha, and one time he made a U-turn on a Bridge and got a big ticket. Which he probably never payed lmao.

But, if that's not irksome enough, how about the genius behind you that is right on your bumper - as if that's going to make you move faster. B)

My dad does that. He stays on people's asses to A.) Make them drive faster, or B.) Scare them out of the lane. I don't know why, but I sometimes laugh when I see people switch lanes because of him. It must suck for the person he's bothering though lol.


Okay, a little off topic stuff but what the heck.

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My dad does that. He stays on people's asses to A.) Make them drive faster, or B.) Scare them out of the lane. I don't know why, but I sometimes laugh when I see people switch lanes because of him. It must suck for the person he's bothering though lol.

Oh your dad would hate me. The more on my tail he is, the more I would tend to slow down. He'd be the one giving up and switching lanes, unless I can work it so that he's boxed in, at which point I drive just slow enough that the driver gets mad because they can't pass anyone, and the last thing they want to do is slow down (even though doing that would allow them to move to another lane to be able to pass everyone).


I don't speed up for tailgaters. I'm their worst enemy. B)

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Yeah, I could totally imagine you two cursing at each other and what not.

Hahaha, I would probably be cracking up if I was in the car while you were driving. You sound like you would be funny lol.

Why cuss at him? If he wants to pass me then he's welcome to pass me. If he wants to tailgate, then he's welcome to be made to slow down. If he wants to go fast then he's welcome to change lanes. If he wants to go fast while tailgating me, then he's gonna be disappointed.


I welcome people to pass me. Way I see it, let the idiot speed demons go ahead, that way they flush out the speed traps. B)

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Oh your dad would hate me. The more on my tail he is, the more I would tend to slow down. He'd be the one giving up and switching lanes, unless I can work it so that he's boxed in, at which point I drive just slow enough that the driver gets mad because they can't pass anyone, and the last thing they want to do is slow down (even though doing that would allow them to move to another lane to be able to pass everyone).


I don't speed up for tailgaters. I'm their worst enemy. B)





I have done that but the last time I did the idiot got pissed off at me and nearly ran me off the road scared the crap outta me especially when he threw a beer bottle at my car there I called 911 on my cell .... I guess he figured I was on the phone calling the cops 'cause the SOB drove off.


As for Britney Spears:


At least she was doing what she thought was safe


Damn this makes her more of a moron then who the hell thinks it is safe to place their baby in the front drivers seat like she did ........ She does deserve to have her kids taken away from her really she sucks as a mom.

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