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I don't get it. Why does everyone hate George Bush? :S

I would tell you, but I don't wanna even get started on him. It would take me all day to write about why I hate him.


So to put it in simpilest terms, he f'ed up this country.

Edited by Amanda
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I don't get it. Why does everyone hate George Bush? :S


Funny comments:

  • Oh shit, you just opened Pandora's box!
  • Ok how many people just shot milk out of their noses?
  • Hello, Idiots-R-Us? Could you send Eloise a pamphlet on your poster child? Thank you.
  • I'm kind, so I won't say that George W. Bush is the worst president ever, even though he is.
  • A show of hands - how many people now think that Nixon was a great president compared to G.W. Bush?
  • Let the lynching begin!!!


I would tell you, but I don't wanna even get started on him. It would take me all day to write about why I hate him.


So to put it in simpilest terms, he f'ed up this country.

Oh I don't know, b/c he's an IDIOT!? Let's see, Bill Clinton was happy when he got away with adultry. George W. is happy when he makes it through a sentence w/ out messing it up!


Here, check this out:


*fluffs the rat*

Next time, try the youtube BBcode. You just put in the video id, which is everything after the "v=" and before any &'s (in this case, PZWRn1CW_zs) and it'll pop up the video in your post.


Like this:


URL: http://www.youtube.com/v/PZWRn1CW_zs


Click the "reply" button and you'll see what I did. B)

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Funny comments:
  • Oh shit, you just opened Pandora's box!
  • Ok how many people just shot milk out of their noses?
  • Hello, Idiots-R-Us? Could you send Eloise a pamphlet on your poster child? Thank you.
  • I'm kind, so I won't say that George W. Bush is the worst president ever, even though he is.
  • A show of hands - how many people now think that Nixon was a great president compared to G.W. Bush?
  • Let the lynching begin!!!

*fluffs the rat*Next time, try the youtube BBcode. You just put in the video id, which is everything after the "v=" and before any &'s (in this case, PZWRn1CW_zs) and it'll pop up the video in your post.Like this:

URL: http://www.youtube.com/v/PZWRn1CW_zs
Click the "reply" button and you'll see what I did. B)
Yah, I couldn't get it to work. I tried...repeatedly.Okay, back on topic...What am I?About to cry *sniff*
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