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Today, my english grade went from an A to an F. All due to ONE, TEN POINT classwork assignment. I'm not even kidding. And if anybody says anything like "haha, just wait till you're in college", well, I'm going to tell you to go kill yourself for being so retarted.



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Today, my english grade went from an A to an F. All due to ONE, TEN POINT classwork assignment. I'm not even kidding. And if anybody says anything like "haha, just wait till you're in college", well, I'm going to tell you to go kill yourself for being so retarted.





Awww...that SUCKS! Does the teacher offer extra credit assignments?

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Sorry hun I know how tough college is just so glad I am almost DONE with it all anyways see if there is anything you can do to boost your grade talk to your prof. it can not hurt. I have been there and done that ;) it all depends on how cool/not cool your prof. is .......... Good Luck :)
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Nvm guys. When I checked my grades this morning the assignment was removed. :] Hopefully she isn't going to put it back.


And as far as I know, she doesn't give any extra credit. So if the grade gets put back up I'll have to talk to her or w/e.

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Either she removed it because something wasn't adding up right (ie, it shouldn't have brought your grade down the much), others complained for the same reason and she was made to remove it, or she's realized herself how harsh it is.


What kind of an assignment was it? It would seem a bit ridiculous to me that one assignment can send you to F's-ville regardless of how well you're doing in the class.


Way I see it, if it was an easy assignment, you should have done it (easy points). But then again, an easy assignment shouldn't be worth so much that failing it drops you from an A to an F. Thus skipping one easy assignment would then be optional for you. However, if it was a difficult assignment, you should have done it since it'd mean so much on the grade, but even with difficult assignments, it shouldn't be an all-or-nothing grade. So if you did it but not to her satisfaction, you should have gotten credit for what you did do. Based on your having an A in the class, I can only presume that if you had enough notice and information on the assignment, that barring events out of your control, you would have gotten it done. Of course, that's just a presumption, so it could be wrong.


Put simply, unless you were being a lazy ass about the assignment, it sounds like you shouldn't have failed the assignment. Even if you had, you shouldn't have dropped to an F from an A. Even mid-term and final exams rarely have that much impact on a grade unless you simple do miserably on them, even when it counts for 90% of the grade.


The problem with teaching is that so much emphasis is put on a test that the purpose of testing and education is forgotten. The reason for a test isn't to try to not fail, even though that's how it seems. It's to check your knowledge and understanding of material. If someone doesn't understand certain parts of the material, teach it to them again. That way they get the education they need, instead of putting it into one ultimate test at the end where they either pass and sigh in relief, or fail and feel miserable. Same with assignments. How can someone learn if they try and then are criticized and graded, but not given a chance to try again? Just pointing out what was done wrong doesn't mean they suddenly learned from it and will know better in the future.


I understand that there are time constraints and lots of students and such, but if the teaching plan included 2 tests for the mid and final exams, where the first one could be used by the students to study up on the parts they missed and know their areas of weakness, then there would be better students coming out. They'd know that they were given the chance to see what they needed to work on and learn what they didn't already pick up on. After all, if a student is missing a segment of questions (say they were sick for a week), then they could study up on those questions and know the material, pass onto the next level and move on, instead of either repeating the entire class or somehow passing but not knowing the material that they'll need later on.

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I did the assignment but I got a 3/10 on it. No idea why, I did everything that she said to do. I think she removed it because that was the only classwork grade that we had. And with this stupid ass grading system everything is weighted so heavely. Since my whole classwork grade was an F, it averaged by itself into my A. Oh well, I have a B now. Because I forgot to do one homework. So my homework grade went from a 100 to a 77. Kind of harsh I think just from missing one homework. And my whole averaged dropped like 7 points. I like how that works. I hate this damn school.
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Try talking to her about it. Perhaps something got miscalculated or it looks worse than it is or it's based on other factors that can't be helped just yet, such as future assignments that you couldn't have possibly done yet.


Any common assignment that takes an A to an F is a joke and shouldn't be counted against the student.

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  • 2 months later...

Most of my classes are ones that require you to do every assignment (and usually do really well on it) or else you fail the class or don't pass. Some of my classes if your work looks similar to someone else's you fail the assignment and it's counted as copying or cheating. For something like History if you have 3-5 lines similar or the same to someone else's work (another student's work) you'll fail the assignment or project.


It sucks how one test or assignment can totally throw your grade off. Had a test where someone actually managed to get a perfect score (rarely happens with this teacher and the student had gotten extra time to study because she had a competition the night before and the teacher decided to let her take the test the following week and people told her what was on the test.) The teacher decided to not grade like she usually did because someone got a perfect score. So most of the class failed and the student was the only one who actually recieved a good grade on it.

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