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Credit/Debit Cards

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Last night, I go to check my banking information online and find that someone used my card number somehow to purchase Yahoo Voice services ($25.00).

The transaction hasn't even posted yet. (Phew!)


O_o WTF, I rarely even use IM anymore (even though I have like 3 ID's lol don't ask) and have no interest in buying premium services of any kind.


So I called Yahoo - that seemed to work out well. They confirmed that it was an unauthorized charge and agreed to cancel the transaction. Then I called my bank to deactivate the card and have them send me a new one *sigh* which I should receive in about 3-5 business days.


Sheesh, some people are real <insert vulgar insults here>!!! It's a good thing that I keep a close eye on my funds.


Now, I just feel sorry for the next random person that has this happen and isn't aware of it until their checking/savings accounts are wiped out.

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I'm glad you noticed what was going on. A little over a year ago my hubby and I (we'd only been married a month) had our checking account wiped out. Actually, it was thrown $500 into the hole. We rushed to a friend's, because we were lacking in the internet department at that point in time, and found out that DISH NETWORK was putting through unauthorized charges. I cancelled that card and fought for weeks, literally with Dish Network. I never did get our money back, UGH! So...NEVER do business with dish. They're corrupt! Anyway, I TOTALLY know how you feel. It's scary. Glad its all fixed.
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You know that's weird because the same thing happened to my mom, TWICE with dish network. It happened the seocnd time about 3 weeks ago. She had to get the police to come out and file a report because the Dish Network ppl kept using her SS number to set up new accounts for ppl.
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You know that's weird because the same thing happened to my mom, TWICE with dish network. It happened the seocnd time about 3 weeks ago. She had to get the police to come out and file a report because the Dish Network ppl kept using her SS number to set up new accounts for ppl.


They're an awful company. They took us for $700! I don't even know how they got my account information. It was over a year ago though, so I'm just moving on, though it'd be nice to have the money now. Oh, the response they kept giving me was, "A payment can't be refunded once it is made." I was like, "Wait a minute. I didn't make the payment. Y'all STOLE it, ILLEGALLY!"

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They're an awful company. They took us for $700! I don't even know how they got my account information. It was over a year ago though, so I'm just moving on, though it'd be nice to have the money now. Oh, the response they kept giving me was, "A payment can't be refunded once it is made." I was like, "Wait a minute. I didn't make the payment. Y'all STOLE it, ILLEGALLY!"

Try and sue Dish Network maybe? What's the statute of limitations on money, 7 years?

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When there are unauthorized charges, contact your credit card company/issuer and dispute the charges. I haven't had to do it yet, but from what I've heard, they'll actually do the work for you as far as getting the money back, then the company making the charges has to prove that it's legit to get the money back.


Also, there are many lawyers who work on a commission or "pay if we win" basis. If they feel that the case has merit, then they'll only take payment from the winnings. You may be able to include the lawyer fees in the suit itself, so that you get your $700 back, while the company has to pay for the lawyer you hired. You'd have to consult a lawyer on that though, since I'm not 100% certain of that.


I say to pursue it, because if enough suits are filed, it could turn into a class action suit and could cause the Dish network to go under, or at the very least, come close enough to it that they stop performing criminal activities for fear of going out of business.


The fact that you don't know how they got your account information says that you never signed up with them. That right there means that they had no reason to charge you for anything. I could see it if you had signed up for their service and they were charging for things that you didn't know cost or something, because then that becomes red tape on what is and isn't legit. But if you didn't even order the service, then the moment you called up, they should have refunded the charges and if it was a service someone ordered, it should have been sent to a fraud department so they could try to collect their fees from the actual subscriber.


All in all though, consult a lawyer. You could end up with more than $700 from it. :P

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