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N*Casino and N*Bucks


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N*Bucks - earn N*Bucks when you post in some of the forums. These N*Bucks can be used for playing N*Casino. Not all forums give you N*Bucks (and I won't tell you which ones do or not), and some give you different amounts. This does NOT mean to start making a lot of non-sense posts just to get N*Bucks. If you are caught making posts just to get N*Bucks, your N*Bucks will be removed (ALL of them, even those you earned fairly).


With the N*Bucks, you can play N*Casino. Now here's where it'll seem a bit complicating. In order to use the N*Bucks to play N*Casino, you have to go to N*Casino, then to your wallet, and deposit money from your N*Bucks account to your wallet. Sounds simple enough but wait, you also have a 'bank account'. In your N*Bucks, you can put money into your bank to earn interest. But in order to use it in the N*Casino, you have to withdraw it from the bank, then go to your wallet and withdraw it there too. Confused yet? Ok think of it like this. You have to withdraw the money from the bank into your hand, then you change the money into casino chips. Of course, if you don't put any money in the bank, then you won't need to worry about it.


Hopefully there won't be any problems, but if there are any problems encountered, please let me know. To start everyone off, I have given everyone 1000 N*Bucks. There are 500 on hand and 500 in the bank (for everyone). So you don't have to make posts to get N*Bucks to spend, not at first anyway.




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