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Everything posted by Amanda

  1. Never heard of that one. Maybe I'll give it a try. Because everytime I use Mapquest I get lost. x.x
  2. That too... I was clicking the fat heads and it wasn't doing anything.
  3. Ehh Mapquest likes to F shit up all the time.
  4. Kay well here's a start. Wolfie is __years old...Wait, I don't know hia age... Wolfie's name is____ ____...Wait, I don't know his name... Wolfie drives an ugly ass car...YES! Well that's all I got...
  5. Sometimes.... But I usually stay up all night during the week doing homework...Then I get like no sleep...then I fall asleep in school. Anyway, school was okay...I just felt really awkward in my physics class since I was like the only junior. I felt so small compared to all those seniors lol. The only really good thing is that I have the same teacher for math again. He's reallllly cool and hot.
  6. Well I'm bored and..... I go back to hell (school) tomorrow. I hate my school. ihateitihateitihateitihateit That place makes me wanna kill myself. =X
  7. Lol...I wasn't even gonna say anything about that.. Anyways... Add a political forum??
  8. Nah, I said it because it was gay. And what does being cool have to do with getting a joke? lol
  9. Article title: WESTBROOK WOO Article description: Category: General Wiki's Date added: Aug 24 2007, 21:20 Article starter: Ginger SNAPS
  10. *Makes an article abut Westbrook* XD
  11. kk and I'm done complaining now lol. http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif
  12. The first one was okay, second one was funny, and I don't get the third one lol.
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