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Everything posted by Quackster

  1. Dude.. did that really happen? If so.. poor guy!
  2. Lol the mum must have been panicking till the end part. Aww xD
  3. School today x_x I'm not tired because i went to bed at like 9pm last night, but still, NOOO. Atleast today and tomorrow it starts at 11am http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif
  4. You're right Caren, this is very odd >_>
  5. Constipated, because there would be ways to solve it. Would you rather throw up all over someone and get kicked where it hurts or get chased and bitten by a dog??
  6. Younger.. Would you rather win a lifetime supply of big juicy steaks or a mansion?
  7. The people next door are drilling something into the wall and the noise is so annoying, I mean seriously, it sounds like a really long, loud giant fart. >_< It's not funny either..
  8. Slowly, because I'd be able to tell people I was gonna die.. Would you rather win £1,000,000,000 or get 30 wishes? (excluding the fact that you can wish for the £1,000,000,000)
  9. Invisibility Would you rather face an army of 1000 Wolfies and 1000 Ginger Snaps or eat nothing for a whole 2 months and die?
  10. Then why do you post on it? o_0
  11. Then he'd come back up in ghost form and haunt you
  12. I ran it up to £50 a few months ago. Usually it's about £25 each month, and our t.v/internet service is with the same company, so the overall bill that month was like £90. My mum was maaaad, she doesn't trust me on the phone anymore, since my friend would ring me demanding I'd ring her back and I'd tell my mum that she rang me (Bad idea) So yeah >_<
  13. I've been banned from the phone for a few months and it sucks. I haven't been able to call anyone, and they can't call me. T_T I know I'm seeing my friends again in a few days, but really, my summer without my phone sucked
  14. XD Dude, that must hurt like hell.. plus the rubbish dudes will be in for a suprise >>;
  15. xDD If there was a big black hole in the middle of the road, I would push all my enemies and a few teachers in it. Idk whats up with that hole.. The goat probably fell into the core of the earth and burned to death
  16. Hah, so true.. and since it's my mega-strict french teacher, everyone would be like, "Wow were you really that rude to Miss. Teachername??!!?!?!?!" loll I think she thought I was lying though, because she was telling me that it's "no excuse" and I should go to my detention like everyone else. xP Wanted to slap her
  17. Yeah, kinda xD Have you ever read someone elses diary/personal stuff?
  18. Down my throat. Putting a cucumber up your butt is just plain nasty o_o Would you rather kiss someone you really hated or throw up everday for 10 days?
  19. Alrighty. *prepares to get beaten up by their older friends* XD Good comebacks though.. I might just try em if anyone rude to me
  20. What kind of an answer is that? Your supposed to say which one you'd go with o.O Hmm, can I be a happy rich person? XDD Would you rather face 50 Wolfies or almost die?
  21. No, I wouldn't like to either o.o Have you ever wanted to punch someone so hard that they pass out?
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