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Everything posted by Quackster

  1. xD They really like being mean to you..
  2. Lol it's a little mean don't you think? xD
  3. My school starts on the 2nd of September. Yay?
  4. Happy Birthday Dish Hope you have a great time! http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif
  5. Aww, that sucks.. School in September, time for the never ending homework and mouthy teachers once again
  6. xD The alsation soudns scary but the bijon awww ^-^
  7. I looked it up, looks similar
  8. Teachers hate the students altogether. The boring, nasty, gloomy ones only teach for money, and the enthusiastic, happy ones enjoy teaching.. but none of them teach cuz they like kids
  9. You guessed correct Its a cereal up here in the UK
  10. People have their skills and this was what wolfie happened to be good at. Deal with it
  11. I know someone who can't go anywhere without thinking about her weight and what she looks like in stuff :/
  12. I suck at all of the games xD!
  13. Back to the subject of school... I hate homework
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