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because you won't be able to find anything. plus, it's more fun to live in a jungle of clothes and such.

That is NOT fun.


A sesspool of clothing on the floor, with stuff just barely hanging onto shelves, on the other hand.. Where the slightest vibration can and likely will cause it all to start spilling onto the floor.. Where everything is staying in place by some sheer defiance of logic and gravity.. THAT is fun.


That reminds me.. The next tornado that comes through, I need to open the windows.. Clean my room up some.

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Why am I not cleaning my room atm?



I cleaned it good B)

its always fun once you start ^-^


Ok that's less than 90minutes, which means your room wasn't a mess to begin with. Which in turn means that you didn't really need to clean your room.



The fact that you said it's fun.. Means that you're one disturbed child. B)

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That reminds me.. The next tornado that comes through, I need to open the windows.. Clean my room up some.

maybe you should just make a computer run robot to do it. its pretty difficult to peel you away from that screen.

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