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Why do people at my school have to be so rude. :(

Everywhere you go, there's atleast one person swearing. The teachers have a short temper and they give you evils if you haven't handed in your homework or look like you're not listening. B)

They say they have to be strict to "help us learn" but you see some of the people in my class crying because they're just about to receive a 1-hour detention for forgetting their homework.

And if you're way past school, lucky you. B)

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my senior year of high school i had this crazy english teacher who was well into her 70s and shouldn't have been teaching anymore, but somehow, she still is now. anyway, if she liked you, class consisted of writing articles for the high school press page in the local paper, but if she hated you, class was hell. one day, after we just started reading a new book, a girl came into class saying she didn't understand what she read. the teacher picked on her to answer the first question. she couldn't. she was asked to answer the next couple.. and then the teacher stated that perhaps she shouldn't have signed up for an honors class if she wasn't capable of the work... only in not so nice words.. in front of the whole class. a couple minutes later the girl ended up walking out.

while filling out evaluations, a kid in the other honors class stated that he thought the class was too easy. the teacher figured out who it was. that class had a lot more work than ours the rest of the year, and the kid never lived it down.

luckily, i was liked, so i didn't have to worry about getting yelled at. i even went back to visit after graduation and got $10 for answering questions from graduating seniors =D

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if this whole topic is just about school in general, i'm going to rant about it.

i go back in 2 weeks, and i still don't know who my roommate is. THAT'S A PROBLEM.

when you share a room with someone, usually you split up things to bring, like one person will bring a rug, one a fridge...


if you don't know who the other person is, you can't discuss who is bringing what.

i do have my room assignment, though, which is more than a good chunk of people, so i'm secretly hoping that they forget to give me a roommate. a double single would be AMAZING.

anyway, the girl i was originally sharing a room with said she was transferring, but her schedule still shows up on the site (everyone else i know who transferred had theirs disappear) so i'm afraid she'll be there, and that would just be weird. we wouldn't end up in the same room, though, because i got an email at the end of last year saying i didn't have a roommate. it's just, on the smaaaall campus, it will be impossible not to run into her a lot.

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When I was younger, vacations took forever to happen (summer vacation, Christmas vacation, spring break), but then they'd be gone in a flash.


Now a days... I wish that I could experience it all over again... The vacation parts that is, not the other parts. http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif

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Aww little wolfie lol

I went on holiday to florida once and it was super hot

how can you guys live in that heat? B)

  1. I don't live in Florida
  2. I hate the heat and am glad that I live more north.
  3. There's this thing called an air conditioner... You should try one.

I prefer cooler temperatures personally. That's why I tend to sleep with a thin blanket, in the middle of winter, with the window sometimes open or a fan blowing on me. B)

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Now a days... I wish that I could experience it all over again... The vacation parts that is, not the other parts. http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif
Dude, your whole life is a vacation. Get a job, you bum.
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I'm sure teachers hate it when students think that the teachers don't know what they are talking about when they do.

Lol probably.


But they don't always know what they are talking about. (I've had some crack pot teachers. B))

Edited by Ginger SNAPS
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