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N*Raged Forums

Suggestions wanted


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Suggestions wanted for the following:

  • N*Arcade categories
    "New Games" and "ALL games" will remain, as these are 2 special categories. However, if anyone has a different way they think would be a better grouping of the different games, we'd like to know about it. All ideas are welcome, and the one with the best idea will get a bonus 500 N*Bucks added to their account.
    Click here to submit your ideas.
  • Avatars
    More avatars can be easily added for the members to use, so please submit requests for either a specific avatar, or a certain group of avatars. If you know of a site that has what you want, include it and where exactly the avatar is located.
    Click here to submit your requests.
  • Skins
    There are currently 5 different skins to choose from. The default one for all members is "Mocha v1.2" and is the one that has been actively supported on this site. However if there is a different skin that you feel would be a better feel for the site, then reply to this topic and tell which one you like the best.



All suggestions, concerns and comments are welcome. If you have one that you would like addressed, please post it in the appropriate N*Support area.

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If you have a concern that you don't want others to know about, either with another member, or you just wish to remain unknown for it, then post it in the "Contact Us" area.

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