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The have you ever game

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Yes. Ever been named Jossi and turned out to be the most annoying person to have ever lived? B)




Have you ever gone on the minigame train thing on toontown with a friend and then your friend gets off at the last minute? >.>

I did that once to this friend that would just follow me around. She was a dog, and followed me around like a loyal puppy. I hopped off at the very last second and watched her as she rode off. I'd swear that she looked lonely when she was realizing what happened.



Have you ever swallowed hydrogen peroxide on purpose?

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Thats a lie B)
Liar.I did that once to this friend that would just follow me around. She was a dog, and followed me around like a loyal puppy. I hopped off at the very last second and watched her as she rode off. I'd swear that she looked lonely when she was realizing what happened.Have you ever swallowed hydrogen peroxide on purpose?
You did that to me once, luckilly I was a cat B)
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I did that once to this friend that would just follow me around. She was a dog, and followed me around like a loyal puppy. I hopped off at the very last second and watched her as she rode off. I'd swear that she looked lonely when she was realizing what happened.


That wasn't me right? Cuz i was a rabbit xP


You guys keep posting at the same time/very quickly and confusing me xD


No to the hydrogen thingy B)



Have you ever wondered where the first ever human came from?

Edited by Eloise
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Yeah a few times. ever cried over food?

Only when it's a perfectly cooked steak and something happened where I couldn't eat it... or I ate it and wished I could eat it again.



Ever had to pee so bad that you debated peeing on yourself just to feel better instead of trying to hold it until you got to a toilet?

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No. ever needed to pee so bad but been on a barcelona tour bus and couldn't get off and had your brother shaking a bottle of water beside you? (I know what you're thinking wolf, sick.)

No, I don't have a brother. B)


What was I thinking? Besides Niagra Falls, Noah's Ark and the Hoover Dam?



Ever had to poop so bad that you couldn't hold it any longer and came short of the toilet by 2 feet? (ie, you almost got to the toilet and got your clothes down to sit but when you were reaching the toilet, it came out anyways). Extra special if it was diarrhea B)

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