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Everything posted by fluffyrat

  1. We use 1% milk. Even if it were okay to give infants cow's milk Landon couldn't have it b/c he's intolerant to the protein. He also can't have soy. What a PAIN in the butt! Hopefully he'll outgrow all that though. As far as boneless chicken breast, it's the ONLY thing my husband eats, lol. I try to buy thighs and he pouts. He says he'll eat anything. That's true, as long as it's CHICKEN! Actually, I've gotten fish in him on occasion, but beef...nope. He'll eat the rare taco, but usually w/ ground turkey.
  2. For the most part. I don't think his issues can be blamed on an allergic reaction I had at 6 months though. Neither can his prematurity, as that was a decision my husband, the doctor and I made in, what we believed to be, and still do believe to be, the best interest of the child.
  3. What REALLY gets on my nerves is being COMPLETELY overcharged for the things in life that we'd have a VERY difficult time living without, or even CAN'T live without. For example: Gas-$2.59/gallon Milk-$4.19/gallon (THAT'S at Wal Mart! Supermarkets are nearly $5 now!) Specialty Infant Formula-$25/1lb. can of powder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (TOTALLY taking advantage of customer having no other option!) Boneless Chicken Breast-$4.19/lb (I know for a FACT it's as little as $2.19/lb at d/c supermarkets. I won't compare to the commisary as they do NOT have to show a profit.) So...the point of this thread is to vent about things being COMPLETELY overpriced. (Don't complain about the housing market as that's not big companies.) So, add what you're angry about on here. Have FUN! lol
  4. Hrm...it's a long story, I'll warn you...I'll TRY and give the Reader's Digest version though... Basically, I got to my hotel at the end of a 6 hour road trip and saw a Wendy's in the parking lot. I'm like, "Cool, grilled chicken sandwich...perfect!" So, I go over, order a "Ultimate Chicken grill LETTUCE ONLY!" and go back to the hotel. Oh...I was 6 months pregnant at the time, so getting my food wrong was a BAD idea. So, basically, it was a fried sandwich, I all ready felt like a heffer (Don't know why, I'd only gained 10 pounds at that point.) and there was NO way I was eating a fried sanwich. Besides that, I don't even LIKE their fried sandwiches. So, I took it back said, "This was supposed to be grilled, lettuce only." They remade it and handed it to me. I checked it there, which pissed them off, and it had EVERYTHING on it, including mayo, which I'm allergic too. (Weird, I know, but true. I go into anapholaptic (sp?) shock if I don't get benadryl IMMEDIATELY.) So, I handed it back and said, "No, no mayo, I'm allergic." The cashier hands it to the sandwich girl and says, "This is supposed to be lettuce only." She got angry and started complaining. The cashier then said, "Just wipe the mayo off and give it back." My response was, "No DON'T just wipe the mayo off, I'm allergic and I don't want to kill my baby." (This MAY have been more effective had I ACTUALLY looked pregnant.) Anyway, they give me a new sandwich and I'm on my way. In the parking lot I decide to check it and it has...TOMATOES! No, I'm not allergic but I HATE them! Of course, now the inside is closed, so I get in the van and DRIVE to the drive through where I proceed to tell them that I've tried THREE times now to get a correct sandwich. I go, "ALL I want is a bun bottom, a piece of chicken, a piece of lettuce, and a lid!" The MOD was the one at the drivethrough and was quite upset that I'd come back AGAIN. She SHOVED the bag at me and slammed the window in my face without so much as an "I'm sorry for the hassles." At this point I do NOT trust them and checked the sandwich right there, which clearly angered her more. Being as it had appeared correct, I went back to the hotel and started eating it. About halfway through I noticed the faint taste of...MAYO! HORRIBLE people. Immediately the hives came. Wouldn't it be my luck that this would happen 6 HOURS from home AND from my OB? I didn't know if benadryl was safe for the baby so I called my doctor. When he called back I told him a LITTLE bit of what happened and he said benadryl was fine but that if it started affecting breathing to go to the nearest hospital. FORTUNATELY the benadryl worked. So, I went to the Wendy's the next day and talked to the GM. I told her everything that had happened and she gave me my money back and offered me lunch that day. I looked at her like she was nuts and said, "No, I don't intend to EVER eat at another Wendy's again. I'm also holding your restaurant PERSONALLY responsible should anything happen to my baby." Oh, btw...the manager from the night before came out and told me I was a liar and that I had NOT had an allergic reaction and I had NOT called my doctor in another state. I was like, "You want his name and number? Call him and ask!" Anyway, I got home and wrote a letter to THAT GM AND to all the chief officers and vice presidents I could find. The ONLY response I got was from the restaurant manager, who sent me a coupon for a free classic single. Anywho, I replied with, "I told you, free or otherwise, I have NO intentions of eating at a Wendy's again. ALL I want is for your employees to be properly trained and you can't even manage to show that that is important to you." So, basically, until they learn to train their employees to honor a guest's request and to RESPECT it when they hear "allergy" I'm NOT going to eat at a Wendy's. Sorry for the novel, but you asked for it, lol.
  5. Wendy's is a HORRIBLE establishment and they should all go out of business. I've been boycotting Wendy's since March and don't intend to stop anytime soon, or ever really. Any restaurant that tries to kill me and my unborn child should have to pay! So, they gave me a coupon for a free hamburger, how gracious. Damn them all to pieces. They should rot in the messes they create!
  6. Oh hope it WAS his daughter. I mean, shame on him, yes, but would you rather he be allowing someone ELSE'S child to ride like that!? And the way he was driving, get him off the road! That is pure stupidity, ESPECIALLY when you consider that carseat laws changed July 1. In VA ANYONE under 8 years old MUST be properly secured in a child safety seat OR a booster seat. That one was a long time coming. I also wonder why they don't raise the minimum weight/age for turning a child around to face forward. It's pretty evident that even at 1 year a child's neck muscles are NOT developed enough to withstand a collision while facing foward; backward however, the head is cradled in the infant seat. They also need to raise age/weight minimum for moving out of a 5 point harness. Children over 40 lbs have been killed in collisions while riding in booster seats. Why you should use a 5 point harness Sure, a carseat w/ internal harness for up to 65lbs or 80lbs (yes they make them) is expensive ($250 - $300), but you can't put a price on a child's safety.
  7. I'll probably get layed into but I think that's awesome. How cool is it that they can create stem cells without destroying potential life!? I've always been for stem cell research, but only umbilical stem cells, as you don't destroy life through that. Anyway, I think it's awesome, but that's just my opinion.
  8. So...do something. Go read a book!
  9. Oops, I did it again in my panties. (Britney Spears) It's quite sad that I posted it. I just thought it'd be funny actually.
  10. confused (unless the "Huh?" was in reply to Wolfie's answer) THEN... bed
  11. Yes, that's right. I can't figure your's out though. Only part: I can't wait for the next book from Jane(?) M. (something's Children Series) Blah...anyway, maybe someone else can fill in what I missed. Here's mine... Ths s _ trrbl gm! lol j/k
  12. I like writing poetry. Me too. ANywho.. _ ply th cll
  13. I wish I had a million dollars. Now, do I make a new one? If so... _ ht my jb
  14. Yah sure. Maybe I'm giving him the only thing that doesn't come back out his nose. So he can like it, or he can starve, lol. Well, no I lied, there is ONE other thing he can keep down, but that one just didn't work out as well as I'd have liked. So, hypoallergenic crap it is.
  15. Thank you. He had surgery for them on Tuesday and is doing pretty well now. He's pretty much back to himself. Now if I could figure out WHY he cries when he eats.
  16. Yah, no he's just the kind of kid who screams from the time the onsie gets pulled up until it's closed back and he has his socks back on. Then, pick him up and he's perfectly happy. I was at Cold Stone about a month ago and this happened. I came out of the bathroom and this girl, about 16, was just looking at me like I had no right to even be there. Oh, I also hate stupid teenagers who weigh like 6 pounds and think they're fat. OMG buy a FREAKING mirror! Oh, and it annoys me that my husband won't change a diaper.
  17. People who don't like babies annoy me. It's really obonoxious when you're trying to change the child's diaper and after you come out of the restroom and people give you horrible looks because your child dared to cry. I just want to look at them and be like, "If you have a problem with it, don't go out in public!" People who think it's okay to come up and touch my baby. And the one that annoys me most... STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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