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My 'Interesting' Day

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Ok, so I'm a cashier at a grocery store and you know how there's always the magazine displays up at the cash registers, well this lady came through my line and she had a kid,he was probably 5 or 6 and she says," I can't believe they have those Cosmo's out there in the open like that." I finished scanning her groceries and had nothing to do so I figured I'd go look.Well, Cosmo always talks about sex,that's a given, but this month on the front cover it says," Why You Should Be A Jealous butch".Instantly I see what that lady was saying about the magazine shouldn't be on the display in plain view, kids go through there all the time,they don't need to be seeing that crap.Well, normally there's these little black plastic covers in the slots that say," We're sorry we're out of [insert magazine name here]." I was going to cover them up, but they were all gone.So I went to the assistant manager(Basically 2nd in command in the store) and was like," Hey, I had a customer mention something to me about the Cosmo cover saying it shouldn't be in plain view and I agree, people bring their kids through the lines all the time and they don't need to be seeing that." I brought her one of the magazines and told her I couldn't find any of the cover things.She looks at me and says," I don't know where they are." ... That was it, she walked away.This pissed me off.So I went to one of the Customer Service Managers( Basically a shift manager) and explained my concern, she looks at the magazine then at me and says," I had all those covered up because you're right, kids don't need to be seeing that." -------This pisses me off because that means that someone had to go uncover every one of those displays, it's not like you can't see the magazine name, so they still sell, you just can't see the cover unless you move the cover.It just pisses me off because to increase the sales of this mag,they blatently shove aside all morals.It's messed up.
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That stinks. I think by now kids are used to them. I know when I go shopping with my mum there are always nasty magazines on the top shelf. In my opinion, they should be removed or atleast covered with something. I know 3 year olds who go to the shops with their parents. It's wrong.
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When Microbutch had told me about that like the day before, I made it a point of checking it out at my local grocer when I went in there. Yep, was there, right in plain view. So I pointed it out to one of the supervisor/management staff. As soon as he saw it, he was like, "WHOA!" Just came back from that same grocer, and you can't find the magazine at the checkouts now. The spots are filled with different stuff (so it's not empty).
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Well, I'm not saying anything about it. Imagine that, a 13 year old going up to one of the shopkeepers, "those magazines are a little inappropriate, don't you think?" They'll be like. "o_O Run along and go to ur mummy" -.-

Maybe I'll write a letter. What do you guys think? o.o

Edited by Quackster
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Well, I'm not saying anything about it. Imagine that, a 13 year old going up to one of the shopkeepers, "those magazines are a little inappropriate, don't you think?" They'll be like. "o_O Run along and go to ur mummy" -.-

Maybe I'll write a letter. What do you guys think? o.o


I'd tell them. Come on, it really gets the point across if a KID says it's inappropriate!

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I'd tell them. Come on, it really gets the point across if a KID says it's inappropriate!


I agree.


So, I went back to work Thursday and went to another one of the managers and expressed my concern about the magazine and she was very understanding and seemed concerned as well.About 20 min after me telling her, I looked over tword the 'office' (Where the managers slack off..I mean work.. :P) and she was carrying a huge ass stack of the magazines.They are no longer on the shelf.I was happy.:D Saved me from having to type a flippin email to corperate.

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Yeah, today was cool cause the lady that originally said something to me about it was there and she mentioned that it was gone and I was like," Yeah, I had it taken care of." and she was all like,"Thank you...don't put my bread with the eggs,they're going to two different places." Lol.
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Look on the left, in the middle, where it says, "Why you should be a jealous..."




I know I know and I so do not find this insulting etc.....

My friend has the mag I have seen and read it BIG DEAL man. I guess we agree to disagree that is all I will say :P

Edited by BONES
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The word in and of itself isn't offensive. It's that it's on the front cover of a magazine that is places in the checkout lines at supermarkets, where kids can see it.


If you had a kid and that was there, would you want your kid to see it and start asking you what it means and how to say it? If it wouldn't bother you, then that's your choice. But there are many people who have kids that would prefer to pick and choose what words their kids learn about, and at what age. When it comes to profanity, I think it should be left up to the parent to decide, not the cover of a magazine.


If it were at a store where only adults are permitted in (no kids, not even with an adult), then hey, it's fair game. But when a kid could be affected, then discretion needs to be used.


To put it into another perspective. When you become a teacher, are you going to use the b-word as one of your spelling words?

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The word in and of itself isn't offensive. It's that it's on the front cover of a magazine that is places in the checkout lines at supermarkets, where kids can see it.


If you had a kid and that was there, would you want your kid to see it and start asking you what it means and how to say it? If it wouldn't bother you, then that's your choice. But there are many people who have kids that would prefer to pick and choose what words their kids learn about, and at what age. When it comes to profanity, I think it should be left up to the parent to decide, not the cover of a magazine.


If it were at a store where only adults are permitted in (no kids, not even with an adult), then hey, it's fair game. But when a kid could be affected, then discretion needs to be used.


To put it into another perspective. When you become a teacher, are you going to use the b-word as one of your spelling words?




OK #1 look it up in the dictionary a butch is a female dog.

#2 Many parents out there do not do a great job with their kids at all and this I have seen when I have done my teaching hours for my degree. Some women should blow up before giving birth.

#3 if and I never will but lets play the if game ..... My kid (god I almost barfed writing that out) saw a mag and saw the word I would tell him/her exactly what it means.

#4 My parents brought me up that way I guess that is why I am so opened minded and this is no big deal.

#5 I do not deal well with censorship.

#6 I have volunteered again for hours needed for my degree in both Middle and HS and even the teachers there use worse words. I have heard it with my own ears again some of these kids deserve a F you. I eventually plan on teaching HS anyways so I will be able to express myself way differently than with elementary kids.

#7 Kids as young as 5 use foul language and news flash they learn it from home the parents, uncles, aunts. etc... not from reading some lame mag at a store GIVE ME A BREAK.

#8 I have witnessed this in a kinder class when a boy 5 said the F word to another child.

#9 Getting a mag off the shelf like this does NOTHING just adds to all the narrow minded people out there and censorship


OK I am So DONE ....... Again we choose to agree to disagree enough said.

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I don't agree with completely sheltering your kids from reality, but I don't think little kids need to be going around cussing.That's a poor job on the parents part. In my opinion it's rude for an adult to go around shouting obcenities in a public area. I mean show some respect for the people around you. Just my opinion, I guess it all depends on how you're raised. Edited by ShoeChef
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OK #1 look it up in the dictionary a butch is a female dog.


Ok :)


3. Slang.

a. a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, esp. a woman.

b. a lewd woman.

Yes, I know, it's #3. However, it's still a valid and popular meaning. Censorship to a degree is fine and necessary. When in private, if someone wishes to expose a child to something vulgar and risk breaking the law, that's fine. However, to do it publicly is crossing the line because then it's not only helping to contribute to the delinquency of a juvie, but it's violating the rights of others (parents/guardians) because such topics should be decided by the parents on when the kids learn it. Otherwise, what's to stop some guy from going up to a 10 year old girl and telling her about sex? It's the same thing, just a bit more "in your face" about it. Keep in mind that I have nothing against the magazine nor it's right to freedom of speech and expression and all that jazz, it's just that they shouldn't be exposing it when their magazine is found at most supermarket checkout lines where kids can see it. They either should have covered it, via a plastic wrapper (like some magazines do), a paper cover (so people can read the cover and glance the contents before buying), or blotted the word out on the cover but not inside.


Parents who teach and allow their kids to cuss run a risk of having their kids taken away from them, because that's inappropriate language for them to be learning and using. If they're teens, then oh well. But if they're like 8 years old and cussing up a storm, then social services needs to get involved because who knows what else is going on in that home?






Just my opinion, I guess it ass depends on how you're raised.
Freudian slip? :)
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Wolfie I never thought you would be such a square man indeed such a square.


How the hell is it against the law exposing a kid to a cuss word WTF ...... I can agree if your talking about exposing the kid to porn but cuss words again GIVE ME A BREAK.


Try teaching your kiddies not to walk into a classroom with a gun for starters I think that is way more important than using cuss words.


Teach them about safe sex oops here some parents so drop the ball.


Teach them not to hate others because they are different due to the color of their skin or sexuality etc....


Teach the kiddies not to steal or hell do drugs. Again parents are so dropping the ball in so many other IMPORTANT ways.


Hell man my list just goes on and on ........ Yeah I am a total open minded biotch deal with it.


My folks raised all their kids the right way ..... None of us have ever gotten arrested, do drugs etc....


I am proud my folks are not closed minded idiots they have always told us kids just like it is and no we were not 5 cussing up a storm, but we knew the words. Hell I went to catholic school and guess what there on the playground at age 7 I learned the F word yep so I went to my folks and asked what it meant ...... They were honest with me told me at a 7 year old level what the word meant hell when I was 8 I got the whole sex talk.



Oh hell man there are so many MORE IMPORTANT THINGS to teach your kiddies out there folks again GIVE ME A BREAK.

Edited by BONES
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i don't see why they are even called curse words anyway. they are just words, who gives a shit. if the words weren't labeled as being"SO BAD!!!!" to use, people wouldn't use them as much. and they definately wouldn't be on the cover of a magazine. it's like you know you shouldn't use them, but since you aren't supposed to, you are going to want to use them anyway. off-topicness, but w/e.
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I agree with Wolfie on this one, and yes Wolfie, I guess it was. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't said something. Lol




Like I stated before man we will just agree to disagree ya know it is what it is ...... No worries it is all good in my hood. :)



i don't see why they are even called curse words anyway. they are just words, who gives a shit.


Indeed. :)

Edited by BONES
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The words are offensive is what it boils down to. Just like seemingly harmless words can be offensive. Like in the movie, Clerks II, they had the word "porchmonkey" in there, which is a racial slur. Listen to the news, do you hear them using profanity? Not likely unless you have a low quality news team. Not everyone feels that all kids should be exposed to all the words. Some people feel offended by those words under certain circumstances. I feel it's offensive when it's within easy public sight of a kid. Put it inside the magazine and if someone gets offended, well it's their own fault for opening the magazine and reading it. If they let their kid read it, their fault again. But in a checkout line, it's hard to cover up everything. Which is why those magazines should take more responsibility in what they put on the cover.


I have a feeling that Cosmo was trying push the limit so that it'd become an acceptable practice. Which then leads to trying to break through the next barrier. Guess what that is... nudity.


As for the freedom of speech thing, what if 2 people were in a line ahead of you and were rubbing all over each other talking nasty about what they're going to do to each other in bed? Should a kid be hearing all that? Just something to think about.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man, I really should come here more often.

The words are offensive is what it boils down to. Just like seemingly harmless words can be offensive. Like in the movie, Clerks II, they had the word "porchmonkey" in there, which is a racial slur. Listen to the news, do you hear them using profanity? Not likely unless you have a low quality news team. Not everyone feels that all kids should be exposed to all the words. Some people feel offended by those words under certain circumstances. I feel it's offensive when it's within easy public sight of a kid. Put it inside the magazine and if someone gets offended, well it's their own fault for opening the magazine and reading it. If they let their kid read it, their fault again. But in a checkout line, it's hard to cover up everything. Which is why those magazines should take more responsibility in what they put on the cover.


I have a feeling that Cosmo was trying push the limit so that it'd become an acceptable practice. Which then leads to trying to break through the next barrier. Guess what that is... nudity.


As for the freedom of speech thing, what if 2 people were in a line ahead of you and were rubbing all over each other talking nasty about what they're going to do to each other in bed? Should a kid be hearing all that? Just something to think about.

Clerks II: Rated R. If you bring it home and let small children watch, that's your fault if you don't like kids seeing/ hearing it. And wow. If I were going to use Clerks II as a reference, I would've used the whole donkey show scene instead. :D


Seriously, though. The kiddies will hear worse on friggin network TV. And that's HEARING it. Words are just words, made offensive by soceity. I've never censored my kid from the real world (by real world, I mean this doesn't include things like porn). She's 17 and she turned out fine.

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If you allowed her to be subject to it, that's your decision. However, those parents who wish to keep their kids from learning about such words, at least until an older age, don't have a choice if the words are plastered on the outside of magazines at checkout lanes.


At home, parents have the option to monitor what shows and movies their kids watch. It's all about respecting the parents choice on when their children will learn those words.


You mentioned about not including porn in what you allowed her to be witness to. Why not? What if porn were shown at checkout stands? "Well, they're going to learn about sex anyway, may as well be now, right along side those curse words..."


Let's remove kids from the situation for a moment. There are lots of people who get offended by such language, and shouldn't be forced to be offended just for shopping for food to eat. It may be against some peoples beliefs or religions (yes, I'll agree that they need to find a new religion at that point), or what have you. The point is that it's something considered offensive, and the magazine company should have shown better judgment when publishing the cover.


Aside from WHERE it was placed, that is, overlooking how poor of a decision it was, I personally find the statement itself to be funny. But it's out of respect for others that it bothers me overall.

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