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Ok so I went to my local grocery store to buy some milk (managed to get $100 to be able to buy a gallon of the white shit).


Anyways, I park and as I'm getting out of the vehicle, I notice that in the one next to me, there are 2 kids (under 10 years of age) sitting in the back seat, all strapped in and everything.


If you're wondering what's so bad about that then think of what I said EXACTLY.






Anyways, I called 9-1-1, reporting the incident.. Oh that guy is SOOOO lucky that he came out of the store and got into his car and left. Because if he had been in the store for another few minutes, he would have been coming out and likely finding himself getting hauled off to jail.


No, it wasn't hot outside (about 9AM and was relatively nice/cool out). I do believe the doors were locked (I didn't test them so I'm not certain). Windows were rolled up and yes it was parked in a spot close to the store. But still, WHY DO SOME PEOPLE DO THAT?!? Don't they realize just how incredibly stupid that is? Someone could come along, break in and run off with the kids. Suddenly, there's a kidnapping because of someones need to "run in real quick". I don't care how freaking fast you're gonna be, YOU ALWAYS TAKE YOUR KID(s) WITH YOU!


You'd think that with all the recent stories of parents being arrested for leaving their kids alone, that people would get a clue!



:( B) B)

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I'd never even think about that, I suppose its true

It's definitely true. I mean sheesh, how many times have I read a story about someone who left their keys in the car as they paid for their gas, only to find out their car was stolen in the small amount of time? Now what happens if your kids are in that car and the thief doesn't realize it? Suddenly a mildly bad person, who just steals material things, has to make some quick decisions while under the influence of stress.

Edited by Dish
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people are soooo stupid with that stuff. it's one thing if you have like high school aged kids WHO CAN GET OUT if they need to and stay in by choice, but small children who are strapped in in ridiculous heat is dumb.

i hear people complain about people doing it with pets too.. which yeah, i understand, but come on, there aren't rules against taking kids into the grocery store..

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

O_O OMG! What a F-Tard! B) I always bring my son into wherever we go. He told me that his father and paternal grandmother left him alone the car a while back (when he was really little) and I was LIVID. Unfortunately, I didn't have proof other than my son's word and he's waaay too young to testify in court. I would have tried to record it and put it on a CD, but I didn't want to make it obvious that he was being recorded. B)



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  • 4 months later...

I think what I've seen is almost as bad as that - In its own area/way.


There have been about two maybe three incidents where I've been grocery shopping at our local Wal-Mart here and have seen both parents guiding their son around by a leash. Luckily the poor thing has it partially strapped around his back instead of entirely wrapped around his neck. Poor kid. ...Can't say he isn't being 'watched out' for I suppose.


I swear, some parents >_>

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I would agree. I've experienced similar incidents at my local grocery stores, though I've never reported it. The other day, there was a case on the news about a woman who did the same thing. Fortunately, they did manage to track the person down, find her kids, and get the car back, but she was fined for it. If you're going to be a parent, you must be a parent at all times, not just whenever you feel like it.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Um, when I was young I'd get left in the car while my mum was in the shops...

Is it really that bad a thing?

While your mum runs in to shop, what's the stop someone from breaking into the car to either steal the car, or worse, to kidnap you?


I don't care how "safe" the place may be, it's still stupid.

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  • 3 weeks later...
While your mum runs in to shop, what's the stop someone from breaking into the car to either steal the car, or worse, to kidnap you?


I don't care how "safe" the place may be, it's still stupid.


Yeah my parents did it too, not in like supermarket car parks but at like the corner shop.

I knew how to lock the car doors and how to run, I just dont consider it bad parenting.

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