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Everything posted by BONES

  1. So I take it you use clothe diapers on him ....... so very old school.
  2. some people needs lives man damn to take someones garbage can.
  3. Dude you have alzheimer's http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif Ya so do not remember treats
  4. I don't write these just find some funny.
  5. I hear ya anonymous is good true that
  6. Ran my erands this morning I have spent way too much time on line so now I am outta here to study, tend to my animlas, cook, and pass out.
  7. I hate this show. I found this funny. http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif Yeah Wolfie you can fix it. URL: http://www.youtube.com/v/vuX8gtYzcj0
  8. ^ hell man ya better check your food if ya do anything about it ya know.
  9. I love college life eh even though for me it is coming to an end but WTH is up with you food. We have a huge food court with some awseome stuff to eat. Well not that I eat there very much
  10. OK I will also add in my very late Happy BD. http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif
  11. INDEED Give her a new car Wolfie I so do not recall what I told ya about when I will be getting married ....... In December I did tell you if I can recall that I will be doing my internship.
  12. Pussycats... A recently widowed Jewish lady, was sitting on a beach towel at Cocoa Beach, Florida. She looked up and noticed that a man her age had walked up, placed his blanket on the sand nearby and began reading a book. Smiling, she attempted to strike up a conversation with him. "Hello, sir, how are you?" "Fine, thank you," he responded, and turned back to his book. "I love the beach. Do you come here often?" she asked. "First time since my wife passed away last year," he replied, and again turned back to his book. "Do you live around here?" she asked. "Yes, I live over in Suntree," he answered, and then resumed reading. Trying to find a topic of common interest, Sarah persisted. "Do you like pussycats?" With that, the man threw his book down, jumped off his blanket onto hers, tore off both their swimsuits and gave her the most sensual and passionate ride of her life! As the cloud of sand began to settle, Sarah gasped and asked the man, "How did you know that was what I wanted?" The man replied, "How did you know my name was Katz?"
  13. I am like way late on this but I do hope you had an awesome Birthday.
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