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Everything posted by BONES

  1. Two old ladies were outside their nursing home, having a smoke, when it started to rain. One of the ladies pulled out a condom, cut off the end and put it over her cigarette, and continued smoking. Lady 1: What's that? Lady 2: A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet. Lady 1: Where did you get it? Lady 2: You can get them at any drugstore. The next day, Lady 1 hobbles herself into the local drugstore and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms. The guy, obviously embarrassed, looks at her kind of strangely she is, after all, over 80 years of age, but very delicately asks what brand she prefers. Lady 1: Doesn't matter son, as long as it fits a Camel. The pharmacist fainted.
  2. BONES


    LMAO ..... http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif
  3. "Anyone who isn't dead or from another plane of existence would do well to cover their ears, right about . . . now." ~ DOGMA
  4. BONES


    Did someone see a picture of Wolfie.
  5. I want you to want me ......... IMP (Cheap Trick)
  6. As for the US sucking ass in so many ways ya know it does hell man just look at the fool we have in office, our health care stinks if people do not see this man they need to get their heads outta the sand and pronto ....... anyhoo Yeah it is all good in my hood saw him the day I started this thread and the chick at the front desk got ripped a new one by the doc coolio man plus he did NOT charge me for the office visit. SWEET!!! My doc rocks.
  7. *comes in with a bio hazard suit* and does NOT *fluff the rat*
  8. LMAO dude ya needs to get ya some lovin' I am just doing so freakin' awesome.
  9. The glue thing reminds me of a chonga anyways ......... *fluffs the rat*
  10. I mean do ya have to die in the US before you see a freakin' doctor. I can not see my doctor till Tuesday like at 5:00pm give me a break man. I called his office up yesterday and I am telling the woman who answered the phone that I need to see the doctor asap due to the pain in my throat. She tells me the only day he has open is Tuesday the 9th. Again I ask for an earlier day like biotch I have strep throat and I get the you will have to go to the ER if the pain persists. AAAAAAHHHHHH screw it. I am not going into a rant on how I think the US sucks with health care hell man we have the insurance seems nobody gives a shit. Rant over .........
  11. A professor gives his physiology class a spot quiz. One question he asks is, "What part of the human anatomy expands to ten times its normal size during periods of intense emotion and excitement?" He picks a rather overdressed girl in the front row to answer it. "Miss Callahan!" The indicated girl, who heard the question, stammers with some embarrassment: "Professor, I'd rather not answer that question." The professor says, "That's all right, Miss Callahan, you don't need to answer it. Is there anyone present who can answer it?" He notes an interested face in the back of the classroom. "Mr. Hawkins!" Hawkins says, "Yes, Professor, it is the pupil of the eye that expands to ten times its normal size during periods of emotion and excitement." The professor says, "That is correct, Mr. Hawkins." Then he turns to Miss Callahan. He says, "Young lady, two things are obvious from your reaction to this question. One, you haven't studied this week's assignment; and Two, I'm afraid marriage is going to be a tremendous disappointment to you."
  12. http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif Nice one man.
  13. This guy,Artimus, (Artie for short ), gets tired of working hard and not getting anywhere, and seeing all these guys in the Mafia in their fine three piece suits and fancy cars, decides that he has to join the Mafia. He goes up to one of the guys and says, " I want to join the Mafia." The guy answers, " You ever kill any one for money?" Artie answers, "No." The guy says, " Well, you either got to be born into the mafia, or you gotta kill somebody for money." So Artie says, " How much will you pay me?" The guy says, " I'm not gonna pay you." Artie says, " C'mon, just pay me a dollar so I can get in." The guy says, " Okay, I'll tell you what. You kill somebody, tell me about it, and if I see it in the morning paper, I'll pay you a dollar." Artie says, " Oh thank you, thank you!" and heads off on his mission. He goes to Ralphs Supermarket, sees an old lady pushing a cart, and decides that she's lived a full life, goes up to her, grabs her round the neck and chokes her to death. The bag boy sees him, and chases after him. Artie realizes that he can't out run the bag boy, turns around, grabs the bag boy by the neck and chokes him to death. In the morning paper the headlines read, " ARTIE CHOKES TWO FOR A DOLLAR AT RALPHS!"
  14. Cum on Fell the Noize ........ IMP (Quiet Riot)
  15. I need to call my doctor BLAH! I think I have strep throat man the pain, so I am not going to any of my classes today gonna see if he can see me today ........ Yeah right.
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