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Everything posted by eva

  1. eva


    i don't eat burgers unless my mommy makes them. i probably would spit it up.
  2. gmail is awesome and i just want to make sure you can keep up with me.
  3. eva


    if you care about floods, watch when the levees broke. it's about katrina. it's pretty long, but it's good. i think the scariest thing is how screwed over the people got by their insurance companies. most of the really bad damage was due to flooding from the levees, not the actual hurricane.
  4. i would pee on them. i'm not going to pee on the phone.
  5. maybe you should just make a computer run robot to do it. its pretty difficult to peel you away from that screen.
  6. i get a lot of emails with the subject hi. every once in a while i open one. they always say viagra $5 cialas $5 i'm thinking of getting some for Wolfie.
  7. eva


    i have a friend who is a vegetarian, and one who was on a low carb diet, so we'd go through a drive through and order one burger without meat and one without bread. that usually got some interesting looks.. especially when you probably could just get one burger and split it...
  8. i have stopped listening to anyone who brags about cutting online. in general, at least from personal experience, i know that people who have serious problems with cutting do not flaunt it. they try their best to hide it from the world. someone who goes around bragging about the little nick in his or her arm may have some other little thing bugging him or her, but really he or she just wants attention, and i think its wrong to use such a serious issue to get it. i hang out in probably the most "emo" of all internet chat rooms, and i'd say that most of the people going on about wanting to kill themselves or cut are really perfectly fine but very bored, and they just want someone to talk to. that's usually also a good way to tell their probably not someone worth talking to.
  9. this week those have been pretty steady wake up calls for me. the same person seems to be calling at the same time every day and butchering my mom's name. if it happens tomorrow maybe i'll say she died.
  10. because you won't be able to find anything. plus, it's more fun to live in a jungle of clothes and such.
  11. i meant physically. i don't mind being on here. i'd stay on all day and stalk people if it wasn't against the rules.
  12. am i not somewhere else right now?
  13. next time you should just turn toward them and scream at the top of your lungs. i bet they'll stop.
  14. i have a big problem with this just because we've had a problem with a guy dressing up as a sheriff and pulling women over in the country at night. i would hope that the law would be a little more flexible when people are trying to be safe... at least in places where there have already been incidents with fake police. as long as she did pull over eventually and didn't like take off going a bajillion miles an hour, i don't really see what the problem is. the advice given here was basically the same about putting on the flashing lights and slowing down until you get to a well lit place. i can see calling 911 too, if you were really freaked out, but just looking at a vehicle doesn't necessarily mean you can tell what it is at night. i'd think most people would expect anyone with lights on top to be the police, and people do some tricky things. i think it'd be better to risk getting a bigger ticket and fighting it in court than getting raped or something.
  15. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2123456789 3987654321 hi mom. http://www.n-raged.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif k. you need a face that goes =| huh isn't close enough. and neither is mellow. the mouth needs to be. LONGER. the end. ps. i should be able to use all the emotes. thanks.
  16. butch. i haven't talked to you in ages.
  17. can i add my own rules?
  18. i can't stand people who have an act around certain other people. i have one friend who is completely different alone than in a group. it's kind of creepy. i've known her my whole life, so i know who she is, but anytime i run into her at a party or something she acts like a completely different person. it's sad that she has to put on an act because she's not comfortable with herself.
  19. i guess you don't. you just complain until you get what you want. then you complain because you get it!
  20. i had a teacher in high school who was nowhere near stupid, in fact she was probably the best teacher i ever had, but she had really ridiculous rules. she wouldn't let us write papers outside of class because she was convinced our parents would help us, so we were given a 45 minute class period to type a 3 page paper, and usually the next day we could go back and revise the paper (this has been pretty helpful with the whole procrastination thing in college haha) but if you missed a day when we were writing, it sucked ass. you had to go in during tutorial and type in her room in front of her. tutorial is a 20 minute period before school starts, but this was the only teacher who really required students to come in and talk to her then if they missed class, so there was always a huge line, and you had to sign in to talk to her. i ended up spending a week in there typing every morning before i finished the paper. i made sure never to miss a paper writing day again.
  21. that guy's family moved into my neighborhood after we graduated, so now he and his friends waste their time sitting in his front yard in lawn chairs waving at people driving by. i really want to throw things at them.
  22. it really depends on the cat. i think a lot of them interact plenty, they just tend to have more of their own weird quirky ways than dogs do or something
  23. it happens with a whole lot of other stuff and worrying in general. it's not just being shy. i tend to check alarms a lot to make sure they're set and make sure i get leave early so i'll get places on time. i have to be up plenty before i have to be somewhere just so i can get ready to go out. it's not fun. but i was really writing that to someone on here. lol.
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