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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. That'd probably explain why it feels like the first time. They're probably in total shock, wondering what to do next. "Duurrrr.. We're in first.. NOW WHAT? Last time our team was in first, I wasn't even born yet..."
  2. *wears a thick protective body suit*fluffs the rat*
  3. Wow... First time for everything I guess...
  4. *grounds self and proceeds to fluff the rat*
  5. I changed the description to include other writings. I rather like the name "N*Poets Society". Rather catchy name.
  6. *puts on theme to Robot Chicken, the proceeds to strap fluffyrat down and install electronic devices to make sure that she cannot die nor escape* Cyborg fluffy *fluffs the rat*
  7. Very easy game. Be the last one to fluff the rat aka fluffyrat. Her saying to stop doesn't end the game. The game ends when no one else fluffs the rat. At that point, the last one who fluffed her wins. *fluffs the rat*
  8. They could have included Joe somewhere. Maybe a parody on those with disabilities, with Joe and Stewie in a group therapy thing. But then, there are time contraints to consider.
  9. GUINEA PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The person underneath has halitosis.
  10. Funny comments: Oh shit, you just opened Pandora's box! Ok how many people just shot milk out of their noses? Hello, Idiots-R-Us? Could you send Eloise a pamphlet on your poster child? Thank you. I'm kind, so I won't say that George W. Bush is the worst president ever, even though he is. A show of hands - how many people now think that Nixon was a great president compared to G.W. Bush? Let the lynching begin!!! *fluffs the rat* Next time, try the youtube BBcode. You just put in the video id, which is everything after the "v=" and before any &'s (in this case, PZWRn1CW_zs) and it'll pop up the video in your post. Like this: URL: http://www.youtube.com/v/PZWRn1CW_zs Click the "reply" button and you'll see what I did.
  11. Ok so go get high and then you can recover in a hospital, all for free.
  12. Suuuure... While at it, how about if we invite the best president to have ever lived.. George W. Bush...
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